Klee Banner Luck

Yesterday we got the first new set of banners in Genshin Impact and the introduction of the new character Klee. Some of you may be far enough in the story and leveling process to have been able to embark upon a side mission involving this character. She is adorable and she likes to blow things up and calls herself a “Spark Knight”. She also has a really cool ability in that she shows nearby resources unique to Mondstadt region on your minimap. Also on the banner are increased pull rates for Sucrose, Noelle and what has become one of my favorite champions on my alt account Xingqiu.
As was the case with Venti, you can go into the events section and complete a test run with Klee worth 20 free primagems. I highly suggest doing this because she is definitely an acquired taste, and is not super supporty of your other characters. Xiangling for example is amazing because you can swap over, drop Guoba or pop Pyronado and then swap back to your main carry and get the benefit of those attacks. Klee on the other hand is best served when she is on the field and actively engaged with the mobs because of how many bombs she can throw out in such a short amount of time. So like I said before you go chasing her I would highly suggest to make sure you enjoy that play style.
Chasing a 5 Star Champion is the path of madness. What I actually wanted instead was a copy of Xingqiu because while I use him as my carry on the alt account, I noticed he could be built to be a phenomenal support healer. Ultimately I have been lacking for a solid healer for team two, and as a result I have been trying to figure out how to try and name Ningguang or Noelle play that role. When I found out that Xingqiu was one of the rate up 4 stars on the banner, I had hopes that I would eventually pull him through spending random wishes here and there.
I had been stockpiling my primagems knowing that we would get a new banner soon, and with that I added a $50 gem pack to give me some additional pulls and hopefully increase my chances of getting a Xingqiu. Of note I’ve made any purchases related to this game, the $5 90 primagems a day thing and the battlepass through Google Play because I trust that payment vehicle considerably more than I trust the sketchy pay options that the Windows client has by default. I found out that through Google Play I apparently had quite a few “Play Points” I am guessing from subscribing to Google Music for awhile. I was able to convert 150 of these into a $3 off coupon for Genshin Impact blunting the cost a little bit. This ultimately gave me four 10 pulls and then an assortment of single pulls that I had stockpiled from saving up my daily primagems.
My very first pull… I got a Klee and a Noelle… so yeah that is a way to start off an evening. Second pull I ended up nabbing a second copy of Fischl unlocking her really good constellation. The third pull I managed to get what I was after from the start and picked up Xingqiu, and then the fourth and last ten pull was another copy of Sucrose unlocking her first constellation. I legitimately could not have expected better luck out of that sequence of events. I was super pumped about getting Xingqiu who I was chasing as well as a copy of Klee to play with, and was left with a few single wishes that I opted to go against the banner as well hoping maybe just maybe I would get a second copy of Xing.
On the very last single pull of the night… I saw a gold streak across the sky. Of all of the five star champions… the one I have wanted the most is Diluc just like everyone else. However the one that is most useful to my team composition is easily Qiqi. She is both a healer and applies cryo debuffs… meaning that she could in theory if built correctly replace both Kaeya and Barbara in my main team composition. Sometimes you get what you need… and my phenomenal luck sent me a tiny adorable zombie friend. Now I am going through the process of struggling to catch her up so that she can join my main team.
I have a lot of catching up to do, but right now my main team comp is looking a little like this. Razor my adorable wolf boy is still leading the pack. Xingqiu is riding shotgun for his super useful abilities that transfer back to razor allowing me to apply wet and shock the living shit out of things. Xiangling is my girl and she will always hang out in the third slot for providing a flamey bear and pyronado. Leading out the pack is Qiqi my healer and right now my jam is applying the E for both her and Xingqiu at the same time and freezing targets before shocking them.
So far what I am building out for my second team is Beidou as my carry, because she is mighty powerful on her own, but when buffed with my best healer I think she will be significantly more durable. In order to add some effects I am throwing in Klee and Kaeya but I am not entirely certain how well that is going to work for the time being. I need to figure out just how viable Klee is in a support role. Because of the way that Beidou works, in theory I could have her support Klee if I could max her out. I have so much grinding ahead of me to try and get the materials in order to catch my tribe of character up. Remember friends. I had some really good luck. This is a trap, and you are likely not going to have good luck as well. Make sure if you go chasing Klee or any character for that matter… that you do so in a responsible manner. There are way too many YouTubers with $5000, $7000 or $15000 Genshin Impact accounts. You however won’t have a sponsor that is willing to foot that bill. The post Klee Banner Luck appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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