Ferrets Names and Bad Deaths

Hey Friends! I slept a little better last night. I ended up going to bed around 9:30 at night and have no clue when I actually fell asleep but I think it was before the evening news. I also woke up this morning remembering one of my dreams, so I am guessing it was basically the last thing I was thinking about before the alarm went off. I somehow ended up on a panel with Loading Ready Run and it was a “show” about best ferret names. It started off with Cori showing a video about how she grew up with a ferret that terrorized her growing upt… I have no clue if this is a thing or just something my brain concocted. After that it turned into a thing where each of us threw out our five best ferret names. Disturbing thing is I even remember my five names:
  • Captain Snuggles
  • Professor Barnabus T. Wigglebottom the Third
  • Dave
  • Lager
  • Shinobi
Naming animals completely banal human names has always cracked me up, so I understand Dave. Lager also makes a weird kind of sense in my head because the Ferret cousin the Stoat… always makes me think of a Stout. Shinobi I guess I was going for Ninja but a much cooler name? I feel like the strongest offering however is Professor Barnabus T. Wigglebottom the Third. I told my wife this mess of nonsense and she decided that Josie’s surname is now Wigglebottom.
As far as gaming goes, I mostly played State of Decay 2 last night. Unfortunately Eli the person that I showed off yesterday is no longer with us. He took a stupid death. I had just moved our base over to a firestation which provides for a good deal more room, and was trying to get the lay of the land. So I went over to a billboard to climb up and look around and one of the problems with ladders in this game is it doesn’t always hook you onto them correctly… ending up with Eli taking a plummet directly onto the concrete. So poor Noemi here had to go finish off Zombie Eli in order to get back all of the stuff he had been carrying around.
I mean ultimately deaths are a large part of the whole State of Decay thing, but so far I have lost two. The first was killed when I got ambushed by some desperados trying to take our stuff, which at least seemed like a fitting death. Poor Eli though deserved better. I am kinda proud of the fact that I have both halves of the original lesbian couple that started this all… Brooke and Noemi. I do find I am somewhat hesitant to take either out adventuring much because it would feel real bad if I lost one of the originals. The sad thing about losing Eli though is he was my strongest melee character and had specialized in swordplay, which was super useful for fighting plague zombies. Right now I am enjoying my time with a pack of survivors in State of Decay 2 because it is oddly relaxing. Another event that happened last night is the Dead Axel group moved in beside us so literally next door to our base is one of our allies. The post Ferrets Names and Bad Deaths appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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