Keep Cactuar Weird

Good morning friends. I sorta did everything in the wrong order this morning and as a result, I have been struggling to get started on this blog post. I thought for a while about trying to do a Favorite Fridays post, but really if I did one it would have been for the server that I play on in FFXIV. Right now I am clinging super hard to FFXIV because it has been a glimmer of joy in an otherwise lightless void of a week. We have a weekend starting however so that is at least a really good thing. I still find myself glued to the continued trickle of news about Blizzard’s wrongdoing even though I know I should probably stop watching it for my own mental health. I do want to reiterate that yesterday’s post was not a call to get people to leave World of Warcraft, but instead to provide some options for folks who have never played another MMORPG.
I really do love Cactuar the server I have played on since the release of the game. More recently the server has become widely known for the place where he-who-must-not-be-named plays, but really Cactuar has been amazing since day one and has largely been unaffected by e-celeb’s presence. During Stormblood, there was a random day when someone was shouting to the entire zone in the Loch’s talking about the Dodo Appreciation Society and giving everyone a Dodo minion that would come up and open a trade window. Similarly we have a player who has been travelling around the zones offering everyone a pet rat. I had to bring my own rat out just to make sure he knew I was already indoctrinated. Thing is… this is by no means a strange occurrence because people are constantly doing interesting and weird things on the server and I love it greatly.
In other news my friend Lonen reached the point in the main story quest where she needed to do the sequence of three dungeons in a row. We pulled together a Free Company group last night so she could have her first public tanking experience be a pretty chill one. The shocking portion of this is that I brought along my Scholar and healed. Well in truth Eos healed and I mostly just casted dots and nukes while we burned through the packs of mobs. I don’t really heal at all but I have White Mage and Scholar both sitting at 50. Astralogian is boosted to 60, largely because I did not want to level it and I wanted to get rid of all of the low level healer gear I had clogging my vaults. I am not a terribly good healer, nor am I really attentive to hotbars.
I spent the first years of my MMO gaming life as a healer. I played a Cleric in Everquest and the Complete Heal rotation was about the least engaging way to play a game. That was not however what killed healing for me. I could handle the slow pace of Root and Nuke gameplay and I could even handle spending most of my time sitting on the ground to regenerate mana. What I could not handle however was the constant calls at all hours of the night to log in and come resurrect someone because they took a bad death and were about to lose a level. This distaste for healers has carried over into modern life and other than a brief stint going to raids as a Holy Paladin, I have never really spent any significant amount of time as a healer. Thing is though, for the most part a lot of the healing classes in FFXIV are actually enjoyable. While leveling White Mage and Scholar and I actually spent a fair amount of time queueing for random dungeons.
Well friends, I think that is all I have in me this morning. I hope you all have a very good weekend and can get some much needed rest. I am probably going to pour myself further into Final Fantasy XIV and keep working on the Machinist and Dragoon. I might even try my hand at healing some more because last night was fairly enjoyable. If you are looking for a server, I highly recommend Cactuar. It can be a pain in the butt to get onto, but generally speaking if you roll a character first thing in the morning you can get in. Make sure you check the official server status page to see if you can create a character or not. The post Keep Cactuar Weird appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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