Wagonload Of Sprouts

Good Morning Friends! My blog has been a bit of a dumpster fire this morning and as I am writing this I have no faith that what I am saying is actually going to publish. Last night I had my very first “rough dungeon run” since coming back to Final Fantasy XIV. It was not a situation where I had trouble with individual players being toxic or anything of the sort, but just that I was randomized into a tougher than average dungeon with a wagon full of sprouts. In truth we had a number of mistakes along the way, but nothing that couldn’t be adjusted around. That was until we reached the final boss: Annia quo Soranus and Julia quo Soranus. This fight in particular just has a large number of unforgiving mechanics, some of which that player has probably never actually encountered up until that point unless they were doing “raid” content. There are two particularly that were causing issues. The first was Commence Air Strike where Eight Ceruleum tanks drop from the sky, and the player needs to deftly move into a zone after an explosion to avoid more explosions. The other was an attack sequence called “The Order” where one sister performs a “Crosshatch” where thin shimmering gold lines are drawn on the ground, and the player needs to not be standing near one. When the attack executes the sister will charge back and forth along that golden path dealing damage to anyone that is along one of those trajectories. This is a hard concept to explain but after three attempts I managed to walk the group through it and we finished. All the while I was trying my best to keep the sprouts from getting their hope tarnished, because I was certain we could do it eventually.
I managed to get my Paladin to 79 and am roughly 1/3rd of a level from dinging 80. This evening I will be able to finish it off quickly and start hopefully running some “big kid” instances. There was a method to my madness and I have been focusing on Clan Nutzy Hunts in part because you can now purchase a full set of 460 item level gear with “sacks of nuts”. After I finish off the hunts for today I should be able to finish purchasing my set, which means in theory I should be able to walk straight into level 80 dungeons when I ding. The act of finishing hunts for the day may actually be the catalyst that dings me. After that I will probably actually start working on catching up the Main Story Quest or MSQ.
In other exciting news… I built an airship. Well actually I helped the Ixal build an airship and as a result I finished leveling up my faction with the first of the crafting beast tribes. I’ve also managed to push Carpenter up to almost level 50, which means I should be using it to pull the other crafting professions up to 50 through the daily Ixal quests as well. My goal is to gear out the one profession and then use it for turnins that I can farm out to the other professions. It is going to take forever but slowly bit by bit I will work up my trades to where they are all 50… then start the process all over again in getting them to 60 through the Moogle dailies.
Maxing out another Beast Tribe means that I also got a brand new mount. This has been my key source of expenditures for awhile is purchasing the new mount each time one unlocks. I am not sure WHY I am collecting mounts other than it is a thing to do. At some point I want to start back up pony farms so I can complete my set and unlock the double special pony that comes from owning them all. After that I guess I want to start collecting birds or doggos or whatever the next special mount in sequence is. For the short term however I am very much looking forward to starting bigger dungeons again and collecting bookrocks that I can turn in for cooler gear. Now let’s see if this effort that I just went through actually works and hit publish! The post Wagonload Of Sprouts appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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