Minda is Open For Transfers

First off I need to open this post with an apology. Apparently yesterday’s post gave folks the impression that I was shopping for another server. I am not at all. I am very much committed to staying on Minda, and as a result I have branched out and started to make contacts within other Syndicate guilds on the server. Yesterday’s post was basically that there are problems with this server, but I think that there are problems with every server and that greener pastures don’t really exist elsewhere. Sometimes I am part of a server that I am wholeheartedly recommend without any reservations like Cactuar in Final Fantasy XIV. Minda is a server that I still recommend but that comes with some reservations namely that there are some not great people here. However that said my friends list is filling up daily with awesome people that I happen to meet along the way.
That said last night server transfers opened and we had a few people transfer over to Minda from elsewhere. If we are friends, then you are absolutely welcome to join us. We have around thirty players and I expect in the coming weeks as folks transfer to the server that number will grow. I think there are a number of folks who will wind up on Minda as the dust settles. In fact last night a group of players that Zelibeli had been leading started transferring in as well… though I believe they plan on staying team Covenant. Since we are largely PVE players, that means we have more folks to run dungeons and such with. I wish the social systems were a bit stronger, but at least now the Mute/Block sections seem to stay collapsed allowing me to shuffle the bad actors down into the dregs of my list never to be seen again.
Since the last thing anyone needed was a whole new server just for one game, we instead opted to build out a New World section of the Super Dungeon Friends discord. Once you land on the server head over to the Role-Assignment section and choose New World and your faction in order to get specific channels for those. I am currently working on overhauling the discord to make it easier to support additional games in the future. So for the moment it is fairly FFXIV centric, but I am working on carving up segments for each new game since the general mission of having Low Pressure grouping friends should be able to easily expand to almost any game.
Last night Minda became actively better for Syndicate players because our territory expanded. Mourningdale in the northeast corner of the map had been held by Jade, the single territory holding Covenant company. However Jade was not well loved by their own faction, or the rest of the server for that matter and was the perfect example of a group that allowed a territory to rot. The machinery in town had downgraded and no active projects had been running there for the better part of a week. Last night Cozy Cafe made a bid for taking over the territory and it seems like Jade just threw the match. I know for certain that a large number of level 60 Covenant and Marauder players signed up to defend the territory, but instead Jade (which is also the name of the leader as well as the guild) packed the roster with level 20-30 players that had no chance of defending. If you are curious at all the War was streamed by one of the leaders of Cozy Cafe and it was a bloodbath.
So in the end that gives us cheap teleports as Syndicate players to seven zones around the map with six banks connected allowing transfers of material between them. Right now there are wars coming up against Everfall and First Light. The best and brightest on the server will defend Everfall because if there is such a thing as the Syndicate Capital… it is absolutely that town. Now that we have Mourning Dale I could almost see allowing First Light to go to Green. The second company of the Spartan Legion is the one planning to take that territory, and I gotta say I would largely be fine with that. Spartan Legion has held Windsward the entire time I have lived there and have for the most part been good Stewards of the territory. Sure I would love to see the entire map be purple so that I could cheaply teleport anywhere and have ALL the banks connected, but I don’t think that is ever going to happen really.
As it stands I am four bubbles into 59, and really need to spend the rest of this level capping out my faction so that I can do the next upgrade mission shortly after dinging. I really want to focus on working on getting the full 525 faction gear set, which will serve as a good starter place for the endgame. Over the last few days I have rocketed ahead in level and quite honestly it is shocking just how brain dead and simple it was. Since the beginning of the game I have heard from so many players how good the experience from Town Board quests are, and the fact that I was 54 on the 19th is proof of this. It truly is complete nonsense how fast the progress has gone and I could very easily push up to 60 if I really wanted to, but instead really need to eek out a bit more faction before doing so.
Ultimately for those who are not familiar with these, I am talking about the board full of quests near the town hall in a given territory. Ultimately what I was focusing on were the various smithing related or material turn in quests. What I did at the beginning of this entire roller coaster was gather up a bunch of Iron Ore, Hemp Fibers, Rawhide, and Green Wood and carry it around with me. I would then convert those materials into whatever was needed by a specific quest or for example in the case of Stone Blocks above I would harvest the resources near town. By the time I finished gathering things up to knock out some of the easier quests the next batch would be available after I did a turn in… and the process could start all over again. Essentially I would clean out as many easy crafting quests as I could, pick up as many kill X animals quest and then move on to the next town. Specifically I avoided the following:
  • Potion quests unless I just happened to have enough of a given potion on me. Potions require too many reagents to make this quick and easy.
  • Cooking quests unless I just happened to have enough material on me. Most cooking requires a lot of ingredients which slows you down.
  • Fishing quests are a huge trap. Saying you need to catch 3 Large Salmon seems easy enough… until you actually sit down to try and do it. Fishing is slow and trying to catch specific fish is even slower.
  • High Level Materials. I was fine with turning in Iron Bars or Steel Bars… but Starmetal or Orichalcum bars while a massive hit in XP just takes too much time and resources.
Ultimately I rotated between Weavers Fen, Brightwood, Everfall, Windsward, and Cutlass Keys because those are all territories that were active. I checked Monarch’s Buff and First Light a few times but the companies that controlled those territories were not maintaining the Town Boards very well and keeping a supply of fresh quests. However rotating through five territories gave me a constantly flow of easy to complete quests and has rocketed me through five high levels in three days. I have so many world quests still left out there, but right now I have gotten to a point where I just want to push across the line so I can start building a more permanent set of items. I will happily mop up all of those quests when I hit sixty.
However once again I want to leave you with a final statement. We are staying on Minda and if you are looking for a permanent home in New World we would love to have you. Server transfers are now available through the in game shop, and when you join the server look up Belghast and I will get you invited to the company. We are all Syndicate so of course before you can join the company you will need to be team purple given that guilds in this game don’t span factional boundaries. We can however still do content with the other factions. I’ve run a few dungeons with mixed teams and it worked just fine. However given how much territory purple holds, if you are a purely PVE player then the only logical choice is to join the purple empire. The post Minda is Open For Transfers appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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