Bob Rides Again

Hey Friends! I decided to take yesterday off because I was not really feeling up to blogging… and also had the day off. We had a cold snap this weekend that basically killed any desire to go out into the world and do things. Additionally we have been on this kick of trying to cook more at home rather than door-dashing everything. So the end result was that we mostly hunkered down while my wife read and I played lots of video games. I stumbled onto something humorous in Forza Horizon and if you follow me on Twitter you already know this. They have in game the 1974 Honda Civic and it is very close to what was my very first vehicle. So of course I had to pick it up and play around with it… and it drives pretty much exactly like I remember the ACTUAL “Bob” driving like.
The actual “Bob” has been rotting away at my parent’s house since I parked it there in college. There were significant transmission issues when I stopped driving it, and now it more or less sits there like many other vehicles rusting away. I don’t really clearly remember if I paid $100 or $200 for the car, but I do remember buying it myself outright when I got my drivers license. At 6’4″ it was never a comfortable vehicle for me to drive… but it was transportation from point A to point B. In my most immediate circle of friends I also represented the only one with transportation and as a result ended up playing chauffeur quite often. It is kinda cool to tool around a virtual world in something that feels so damned familiar.
Over in Witcher 3 I wrapped up this current play-through, or at least the main story. I managed to navigate my way this time to what I would consider the “best” ending. I had originally planned on going with a Yennifer play-through, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Triss is just better, sorry for all of you Yennifer stans out there but it is true. Mostly the part I was wanting to correct this time around was the fate of Ciri, because last play-through I made some mistakes and it wound up with Ciri in a not great position. Not going to go into too many details here in case I have friends who have yet to play this game. Side note… if you have not played this game you really should. Just don’t let the early nudity turn you off or set your impressions of what the game at large is going to be like.
The bulk of my weekend however was spent playing God of War on the PC. Yes I am one of those suckers who rebuys games that I own on other platforms. If I have the chance of playing something with a mouse and keyboard I am going to take it. I never made it terribly far into this game on the PS4 or PS5 and now that I am playing on PC it is really in my element. I can only hope that at some point Ghost of Tsushima gets a PC port, because these big open world games just feel better with a mouse and keyboard. I am sure I will probably write a post about it of its own, but I am having a blast. I get the feeling that I am nearing the end of the main story, because I just got one of those “better wrap up everything you need to do” messages. So that places this in the 20-30 hour game range for gameplay, so in that sweet spot of not too short but very much not too long either. The post Bob Rides Again appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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