Quaggan are my Friends

Good Morning Friends. I am so screwed up right now in my schedule. The last few days we have not been getting up and around until 9 am, because my wife has been on spring break all week and then I took a few days off to join her. Always in the past our cat based alarm clock would kick in and Josie would get hyper active trying to wake us up. For whatever reason she has decided that it is a far better use of her time to just keep snuggling with us as we sleep peacefully… which results in us just not waking up at all. I foresee us needing to set an alarm clock for the next few days or Monday is going to be very awful.
In Guild Wars 2 the Quaggan are a effectively anthropomorphic dolphins. One thing that Guild Wars in general really nails is just how damned good it is at creating these anthro races. Quaggans however take the cake when it comes to adorableness. However now that I am up in the northern reaches I have encountered the even more adorable Arctic variants that are based on Orcas. I now want to live with these adorable frens. Cooo Quaggan just blew your mind!
I’ve continued to slowly push my way into the Living World 3 zones and I have to say… I love the way these are designed. Bloodstone Fen was pretty damned horrible, but I have greatly enjoyed Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, and now Lake Doric are phenomenal. There are so many activities popping off at any given moment, and they all feel extremely rewarding. It has been extremely challenging for me to sit down and say that I am going to focus fire the quests, because I want to spend every moment doing all the things and getting all the rewards. I have been waiting anxiously to get to Lake Doric because apparently this is the prime real estate for farming crafting materials. I’ve not spent much time in there, but the Centaur camp does seem pretty awesome.
My biggest complaint with Living World 3 has been that every fight appears to be a “find the stupid gimmick” encounter. Like this one from last night where I had to make the big invincible boss charge through all of the little invincible veteran mobs, so that he would destroy them in the process. Then finally after doing all of that… the fight took mere seconds to finish because I actually got to fight something rather than juggling gimmicks. I really hate gimmick fights. They always just seem like a way of dragging the fight out rather than letting you burn something down and be done with it. I get that they are trying to extend the length of the encounter and make it feel more epic… but it just doesn’t end up doing that when something goes from “unkillable” to dead when you have jumped through a sequence of artificial hoops. I hope this improves as we move into later content.
These encounters aside, I am still very much enjoying my time in Guild Wars 2. I sorta wish I could have arrived at a point of peace with this game a decade ago. I feel like I have lost so much time with something I am really enjoying. There is reasonably no way in hell I will ever really get caught up. Instead I am just sorta chewing away at whatever content fits my fancy for the moment. Guild Wars 2 really is sort of the ultimate choose your own adventure experience. It isn’t going to push you towards any one objective but when you know how to find them… there are so many long term grinds that feel worthwhile. The post Quaggan are my Friends appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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