Rehabilitating the Warrior

Good Morning Friends! I have been piddling around the last few days trying to get my original GW2 main in order and see if I can salvage anything from it. Don’t get me wrong… I am still madly in love with the Necromancer Reaper but I do have some pangs of regret for never quite managing to love the Warrior. This has lead me down a bunch of paths, and one of these is to work on my build a bit. Right now it is in a state of flux but I am trying to settle in on an Axe/Axe and Rifle build. Rifle is effectively how I used to do big open world events and survive as a warrior, and seeing as I found a place I enjoy with my Guardian I am trying to make something solo work as a Warrior for shenanigans. Granted at this point I am sorta cosplaying a Revenant, but Rytlock does have a very classic look.
Part of this revitalization of the Warrior is that I pushed up Armorsmithing into the relevant 400+ range granting me access to make heavy armors as well as my existing ability to make light armor. All of the running amok I have been doing lately had mostly restocked my reserves of materials and it was pretty reasonable to grind up armorsmithing without much need to dip into the trading post. After that I had to add about 20 gold in materials but was able to bang out a full set of marauder gear to see if that improves things. I think the biggest problem with the Warrior is that I had no real design gear wise for him. He was wearing basically the cheapest exotic item that I could find in each slot, and I had no idea what I was doing and how likely that damaged his playability. Marauder is basically just higher survival Berserker gear, so I went with that and am going to be focused on a power build of some sort.
Other than this I have been spending a bunch of time working on World Completion. I find working my way through all of the old world zones to be extremely relaxing, and honestly lucrative given the number of events that I inevitably end up doing. At this point I am systematically working my way through the “Norn” zones after having burned through the “human” zones. I’ve knocked out a few other zones at random because I was just really close to finishing them already. I have a spreadsheet that I am keeping track of things in, but largely I have 16 out of 31 zones completed. I think my goal at the moment is to wrap up the Norn lands and then move on to Charr territory.
The other conundrum I am dealing with at the moment is that I seemingly won the lottery a few nights ago with a Black Lion Chest. There are a bunch of items that you can pull from these but among the rarest and I believe the most expensive is the Permanent Bank Access Contract. It is super easy to get time limited versions of this item, but the permanent version is apparently super rare. It has a theoretical face value of around 5,000 gold which is just a truly staggering amount. However due to auction house fees… I would have to have I believe 500 gold or so in order to post this. I am uncertain how direct sales work and if I really would get all of the 4,411 that it currently has as a direct sale price or if I would still get a huge chunk of gold removed from that as well. There are third party direct selling options but I am worried about fraud there, and have yet to really dive into the reddit/discord options for that. For now the item sits in my bank account while I mull over what to do with it. I feel like it is way the hell too valuable to actually use, especially given that I already have easy bank access through the Mistlock Sanctuary pass. If I ever sell it, I am going to give a chunk of gold to Thalen to help with the needs of the Guild Hall seeing as he actually has those systems figured out and I am yet to wrap my brain around them. It seems like 5,000 gold would be “set for life” territory in a game like this where getting gold is rather challenging. The post Rehabilitating the Warrior appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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