Undeniable Luck with Taco

Good Morning Friends! I had every intent of blogging yesterday but life got in the way. We had an extended internet outage and my normal backup of tethering to my phone was less than reliable. It took me until almost work time to sort out a reasonable connection, and then I got busy and never made it back to actually writing a blog post. Today would normally be a day I would consider part of the weekend, given that we are off for Good Friday… but given that I never blogged yesterday I feel like I should probably write something. It has been a good few days and am falling into some rhythms in Guild Wars 2.
One of the things that my friends will tell you is that I seem to have phenomenal luck when it comes to video games, or MMORPGs specifically. I think it is largely that I just farm content and as a result am getting more iterations of kills than the average person. They will deny this and tell you that I just have some magical power to doctor the dice rolls. Proof of this is that in less than a weeks time I have gotten two Ascended weapon drops from Tequatl, or as we call him Taco. I got the Pistol first and then later got another weapon choice chest, this time with Assassin stats instead of Settlers. I also finished up my Caladbolg questline and turned it into a Dagger giving me a full set of ascended weapons on both my Reaper and Harbinger builds. Not shown is a Greatsword that I crafted, but I am also slowly working on finishing out the Dark Harvest achievement for the Reaper Greatsword. Assassins is “close enough” and I have been too lazy to convert it to Marauder.
Since we last talked I have also finished up Living World Season 4, and I have to say the story just keeps getting better. I actually care about the characters of Dragon’s Watch, which is not a thing that I ever felt about Destiny’s Edge. I had a moment near the end of this season where I legitimately started to tear up a bit in reaction to the events that were happening. Well done Arena Net. I am looking forward to starting on Living World Season 5 today, but first I need to go up to my home town and help my parents with a few things. I am finally understanding why people were telling me this story was almost as good as Final Fantasy XIV… it just takes longer to get there. I am fully on board for wherever we are headed now.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend. I am wrapping this up so that my wife and I can go out real quick and try and restock on Reeses Peanut Butter eggs before they disappear forever… or at least until the Halloween equivalent comes out. One last thing… before I go… a parting gift. I wanted to add the profession and elite spec icons to the AggroChat chat server and struggled to find them in an easy to download form. After much sifting about I scraped a full set from the wiki, and have uploaded them to a file sharing service. These are the 200 pixel set which seemed the most useful place to start. They are archived with 7zip, which hopefully you have and if you do not… you should absolutely get. This should make it easy to add the specs to discord, slack, or any other chat software that supports custom emojis. The post Undeniable Luck with Taco appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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