A Loud Cat

I’ve been playing an exceptional amount of Path of Exile since I last posted, but I am not going to talk about that this morning. Instead, I am going to talk about a few disconnected topics. As payment for passage, however, I am sharing a cute picture of Gracie conked out on a blanket laying on my desk. When we first got her she was hassled quite a bit by our eldest cat Mollie, and as a result, she would scream her head off any time she needed to go potty… and we would walk with her up to the litter box and guard her while she did her business. Thankfully we have moved past this and she comes and goes freely from the upstairs bathroom where the litterboxes are at. However, she has started screaming at us for different reasons. For example Friday evening I was playing Path of Exile and my wife was exhausted, and as such went to bed early. Apparently, my wife and I going to bed at different times is a capital offense in Gracie-land. I had moved from upstairs on Teamspeak to downstairs chilling on my laptop, and it was not long before Gracie was running around screaming at me. At first, I thought she wanted attention and I tried to coax her into laying on my legs like all of our cats seem to enjoy doing. She was having none of this and continued to scream at me until I agreed to shut down my laptop and head to bed. Then when I got to bed… it wasn’t enough and she took to screaming at me until I finally laid down in the position she wanted me so that she could curl up in the hammock of blanket that forms between my legs. Last night we had a repeat performance of this whole sequence, as my wife went to bed around 9 pm, and shortly thereafter Gracie was telling me how improper this all was. I held out until around 9:45 when I finally gave up and went to bed. At which point she seemed to be satisfied enough to let me choose my own position in the bed and not demand the leg hammock. However the moment I decided to put down my phone and actually go to sleep… she hopped over to my legs and started purring. This is essentially going to be our life now.
In other news, I watched She-Hulk last week and am looking forward to more episodes this week. We really are living in this golden age of comic book media. The thing is that not every show has to be the literal best thing ever because we get so many different snapshots of the same comic book world. That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy She-Hulk because I absolutely did, but more that the pressure that I am placing on each individual show is a bit lowered because we are getting so many of them. The CGI work was greatly improved from those early trailers that had a deep uncanny valley problem. I think the big thing I am looking forward to in shows like She-Hulk is a fleshing out of the world, and that not everything has to be building towards some major crisis. That is in part why I am looking forward to a lot of the Star Wars series as well because they are putting more content in the world and expanding it.
In other other news… for some reason, I have decided to start watching Bleach again. Well, I know the reason… and it is because the seventeenth season is about to be released after a massive gap. Why I am starting over from the beginning because I could not remember exactly where I left off in the story. To the best of my knowledge, it was somewhere during season 13 of 16… but it had been well over a decade since I last watched bleach and as a result, the rewatch is probably warranted. For those who are curious, the entire series run is now on Hulu of all places. Like so many fighting anime… it had become extremely formulaic in the late seasons but starting from scratch makes me remember why I loved this show so much in the first place. I think part of why the first three seasons worked so well, is that there was a lot of “emotional payload”. There was this epic adventure that involved a suicide mission to save a friend, and because of this, it felt like there was so much more riding on the line than just fighting baddies. After the third season, it takes a turn into the formula of meeting a new super powerful enemy… that requires learning a new fighting technique in order to defeat. I am wondering how this is going to feel watching it play out in fast forward rather than waiting a week between the encounters. So far the pacing has seemed more enjoyable chain watching the show as opposed to constantly waiting for the next episode to land… and then having it be half retracing what happened the week before. The new show lands in October… but I have no clue if I will be able to watch all 200+ episodes of the series in order to be ready for it. The post A Loud Cat appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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