Brimstone Sands is Soon

We have an official date for the New World Brimstone Sands update and with it, we have been sorting out our thoughts regarding the planned reroll. I thought I would update you fine folks that read my blog in case you also want to join along in this nonsense. Essentially Brimstone Sands includes an entire new endgame region of the map, the new Greatsword weapon, a brand new starter experience, and significant improvements to the questing, leveling, and crafting processes. I spent quite a bit of time on the PTR and got to around level 45 before backing off and deciding to wait for the patch to drop.
One of the things that I feel like you need to understand going into this is that I do not take my planned re-roll lightly. At present, I have 868.9 total hours of gameplay in New World with 767.3 on the live server and 101.6 on the PTR. I have three trade skills leveled all of the ways up to 200 and all of my harvesting and refining professions have gone past 200 and are into the aptitude cache levels. I have every strength-based weapon capped at level 20 and every piece of armor at 600 expertise or higher and every strength-based weapon at 600 expertise or higher. I’ve also crafted myself a full set of Heavy Void Bent armor and could pretty much tackle any content in the game. Essentially I will be walking away from a lot of work.
The new player experience for the game has improved so much, that I am actually giddy at the thought of walking away from all of that… and starting over from scratch. I had so much fun playing around on the PTR and experiencing the new quest lines and the flow of the content, that it really does present the game in a completely different light. I know my early focus is going to be getting my crafting up, specifically armoring and weapon crafting so I can start making end-game gear. Essentially it is a do-over because I now understand how a lot of the systems work and can be a bit more efficient in my processes. Additionally, there is the chance for all of us to finally end up on the same server… which was a huge reason why so many bounced at launch. The fragmentation of communities was awful.
There have been a staggering number of changes that have gone into the game since launch, and if you have not been playing through them… it honestly might be shocking just how much has changed. I am not going to cover them all, especially when one of my favorite New World creators has done an excellent job doing it for me. However the quality of life and flow of the game is much improved, and little things like dungeon keys or quests requiring you to run with a group of players on that step of the chain gating your process are a thing of the past. Additionally, storage and travel are largely not a problem either, meaning you can get out into the world and freely explore rather than feeling chained to either Everfall or Windsward.
Contemplating a return has caused me to put in a lot of thought regarding WHERE to return. You can only have one character on each World Set, and since a large number of us are now on Valhalla due to server mergers that lockout Arkadia Eta pending we don’t delete characters. While I am amped about a reroll, I don’t want to go so far as to delete my OG main. Additionally, there are new servers being created that don’t allow for transfers but given that there might be people who want to join in the fun later and transfer a character… I don’t want to lock out that possibility. This has me eyeing the Arkadia Zeta World Set and more specifically Themiscyra. It is currently the smallest in that world set, and as such, I am hoping will be able to survive relatively queueless any returning and new players looking for a home.
When mergers do happen it will also mean we will be collapsed more than likely into Eden, which is the largest server in that world set. I figure while leveling trades and such we would do better to be on a server with less competition. There isn’t going to be a lot that you can’t simply go out into the world and get for yourself, and given how prevalent reagents are these days and that you start collecting your endgame reagents at level 1… you should not need to hit the market boards too terribly hard. Since leveling no longer relies solely on the town board quests, that is less of an issue as well. Towns in general seem to be easier to upgrade and maintain so I feel by the time we need them, there will be plenty of Tier 5 crafting machines available and the cross-town storage will allow you to move wherever you need to for those combines.
So there you have it… on October 18th when the new patch drops I will be re-rolling on Themiscyra aka the Wonder Woman server… though DC spells the island name differently. If you want to join in the nonsense, hit me up and let me know. We have no aspirations of holding territory and largely plan on being entirely focused on the PVE game. I think the hardest-core shenanigans we will get up to are some dungeons, especially now that they don’t cost anything to run. Our biggest hope is just to be able to hang out and play with a group of people reliably on the same server. New World appears to be on a rebound trajectory and I am hoping that they can pull this off. The post Brimstone Sands is Soon appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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