Everfall Alligator Habitat Farm

Good Morning Friends! I hope today is getting started in a reasonable manner. We continue on with the series of New World gear farms that I have spent the last few weeks documenting. This one is a bit of an odd one because technically you will be located within the boundaries of Everfall, but more naturally you are actually on the edge of Ebonscale Reach. On this farm, you will be hanging out near a waterfall and taking down a giant white crocodile over and over. I specifically came out here seeking a good necklace and a strength-based Great Axe, but having a Tanner Shirt drop is also a nice added bonus.
The core problem with this farm is where it is located. You have a few options namely that you can either run through Ebonscale Reach and an area infested with very aggro Alligators, or you can drop down a waterfall coming from the Everfall side. My suggestion and the directions that I have drawn in are to drop down from the Everfall side. You will of course need to understand how to break up your fall into smaller segments to keep from dying in the process as you cannot survive just jumping in from above given that there are no actual swimming mechanics. You will need to slide down the mountain and hit ledges on the way down to break up the momentum of your fall. Once there you can safely hang out next to the waterfall where the Tazorjaw won’t actually aggro you when it spawns in.
The worst part about this camp is that the terrain around the waterfall is a little janky, and it is entirely possible for a loot bag to spawn in half embedded in the ground. If this happens hold still and look for sparkles on the ground, which will indicate where the bag is located. Then in theory you should be able to hover over that patch of ground and loot what just dropped. I tried to kill him backed into the corner of the waterfall as the terrain there seemed to lead to more reasonable drop locations. All in all, this was a pretty quick farm and I got all of the drops in less than two hours. You will of course also get a lot of leather from the gator each time you skin it. Let’s look at the drops. The big bonus of this camp is the Tanner Shirt, which sells pretty well on the trading post if you get spares. I know in my short farm I think I picked up three of them in total. The most common drop for me was the necklace, and the hardest thing to get dropped was the Greatsword. However, as I have talked about before since the game tends to “get stuck” on a single item your mileage may vary significantly. I have a handful more of these guides that I will be posting over the coming days and have collected them into a Loot Farms category on my blog. As always if you know any great spots that I have not visited that drop level 590 gear, please drop me a line below. The post Everfall Alligator Habitat Farm appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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