First allied alt leveled!

First allied alt leveled!

Working on this nightborne mage has been on my goal list for a couple months. I finally finished leveling her this week. Once you get to 90, the rest of the levels just fly. I wish the whole process had been like that. I got her to 100 mostly collecting treasures and doing the occasional WoD “world quest”. From 100 – 110 I relied on invasions and one zone worth of questing. I don’t know why they decided to make the leveling so uneven, but 20 –  80 and 80 – 110 feel like completely different games.

So now I have another 110 mage. The problem I have with her is that she’s too much fun! I want to try to get at least one more alt leveled before BfA gets here, but I’m not excited enough about any of them to push them through. Frost mage is a good fit for my play style and “class fantasy” enjoyment, plus she’s been surprisingly survivable, even on Argus. I even ran part of Antorus with her. My dps was terrible, but then again, my gear was the minimum to get in the door. At least I wasn’t bad enough to get booted after a wipe (several others were kicked that run).

If I want to make my goal I need to set her aside and choose between my highmountain monk, lightforged pally, or velf priest. I love the look of the velf the most, but priest always feels like a dead weight to level. I still sort-of consider my disc priest my main, but I don’t like the way the spec plays right now. On the other hand, I enjoy the monk playstyle quite a bit, but I already have 3 max-level monks sitting around. The pally is just a giant question mark. My belf pally was my first real main, waaay back in TBC. Since then I’ve always leveled her with each expansion, but I’ve never done enough to really understand the class and how it has evolved. Basically I have no idea what I’m doing on a pally these days, and no sense of whether I would enjoy it or not.

So those are my options for my next alt to level. I would flip a coin, but I can’t seem to find one with 3 sides. Which one would you choose?

June 2018 Gaming Goals

May has passed us by and I don’t feel like accomplished much of anything. Losing our air conditioning has really changed the amount of time I’m willing to spend locked in a tiny room with a heat-generating PC. But I did manage to meet some of my goals for the month despite the heat.

May Goals in review:

WoW: Keep playing in the M+ nonsense group. Nope. Between losing interest and the temperature in my office, I just couldn’t make it anymore. This makes me super sad.

Finish all the priest transmog sets up through the first tier of MoP. Done! I managed to get the LFR sets done for all of the Pandaria raids last month, in addition to finishing off all versions of the sets from the Terrace of Endless Spring / Heart of Fear tier.

Level the new mage to 75. Done! Switching from TBC to Wrath zones and throwing in a few dungeon runs to speed things up really saved my sanity.

Destiny 2: Check out the new expansion. Done! I played through the story on 2 characters but that’s as far as I got.

Stardew Valley: Try multiplayer. Not quite – I tried some of the other beta changes but not the multiplayer part.

June Goals:

WoW: Finish at least 2 more priest transmog sets. Soloing is getting harder as I keep creeping closer toward the current expansion, but I should still be able to finish off the MoP sets without help.

Level the new mage to 100. I’m being ambitious on this again because I finally got out of the TBC/Wrath stage and the leveling is going much faster again. I finished off May right around 84, and once I get to WoD it should go super fast.

Heroes of Hammerwatch: “Beat the game”. I put that in quotes because I’m excluding NG+ nonsense. This was our Aggrochat game of the month for May and I really enjoyed it. I think I made it to the last boss but haven’t beaten it yet. I want to do so before I move on to other things.

That’s it? Just a couple simple WoW goals and finishing one game I’m almost done anyway? Yep.

I’m in a real gaming lull right now. I just don’t feel very excited about games in general at the moment. Combine that with my lack of climate control and it is really hard to spend time in my office at all. Hopefully that will turn around in a couple weeks when our new system finally gets installed. In the meantime I’ll be chasing my simple WoW goals in very small doses, and focusing on my crafty projects instead. Downstairs in the basement, where it is nice and cool.

AggroChat #204 – Zeds, Mechs and Angst

Featuring:  Belghast, Grave, Tamrielo and Thalen


Tonight we are down both an Ashgar and a Kodra… and the intro felt really weird to start with Grace.  Tonight we had one of those nights where we felt like we didn’t have an awful lot to talk about… but then wound up running over time anyways.  Bel talks about his experiences with State of Decay 2 on both Xbox One and PC and how it has changed from the original. Grace talks about her experiences with the Warmind Destiny 2 expansion that then spawns a discussion about why we feel D2 has a bad attach rate.  Bel and Grace talk about how not excited they are for Battle for Azeroth in World of Warcraft, but how otherwise generally awesome the experience of leveling alts has become. Tam and Thalen talk about their further experiences with Battletech and coming to terms with the random headshots.

Featured Topics:

  • State of Decay 2
  • Destiny 2 Warmind
    • Bad Progression Design
  • World of Warcraft
    • Battle for Azeroth Angst
    • Excellent Alt Leveling
  • BattleTech

Cheesy Achievement

There’s this long-term goal I’ve been working on for a while now. It started a bit by accident, then when I fully realized it was possible I started actively pursuing it. It is one of the Legion meta-achievements, and even rewards a fancy new mount for completing it! I’m talking about “Free for All, More for Me” PvP achieve. It requires you to do each of the four free-for-all PvP world quests in Legion 20 times each.

Cheesy AchievementIf you know me at all, you might guess that doing FFA PvP is near the bottom of my list of “things I want to do, ever”. It’s somewhere above “have spinal surgery” but still well below “clean the litter box when my cat is sick”. I dislike PvP, and those quests seem to bring out the worst in people. However, I have a backup plan. Many of the class halls have an option that lets you auto-complete one world quest ever 18 hours. I have alts of many classes. You might see where this is going.

I started out haphazardly completing these quests on multiple alts whenever I remembered to do it. Then I discovered that the achievement is not account-wide. That meant that doing 20 darkbrul arenas on my mage didn’t count toward the progress on my pally, who had completed more of the quests overall. Oh well. It didn’t make the process any more difficult, it just slowed me down some.

Cheesy Achievement

Anyway this week I finally completed it. Darkbrul was the one that took the longest, mostly because of the way the quest timing works out. That one is more likely to be up early in the morning in my time zone, rather than in the evenings when I usually play. It doesn’t help that the PvP quests get overwritten by the invasion events when they are up, which has also messed up the timing for me. Lately I’ve been checking the Legion app in the morning before work, and if it is up I’ll go complete it.

I have this weird sense of satisfaction about getting this achievement in this incredibly cheesy way. Take that, developers who tried to encourage world PvP! Now I can go back to using my free WQ completion for more useful things, like honor tokens and armor appearances I am still missing!