A Thorny Season

Things are in theory starting to go the right direction. The lake just up from Tulsa has reached a point where more water is going out than is coming in, which in truth means the beginning of the slow process to pull us back from the brink of disaster. The rain yesterday and last night caused localized flooding but did not fall in the river basin, so did not add to the long term woes. I worked a late shift last night getting home around midnight and as a result I am getting a bit of a slow start this morning. I am looking forward to reaching a point where my life is no longer built around what emergency shift I need to work next. All of that said… I am exceptionally lucky in that the flooding has only effected my schedule and has not decimated my life or livelihood in the process.
A good chunk of my downtime has still been spent working on Diablo 3 Season 17. At this point I am one achievement away from completing Champion rank in the seasons journey, and my home is tonight that I can have the presence of mind to be able to master the set dungeon. These are not exactly my jam and I always end up putting them off until I absolutely cannot progress without doing them. After that I only have gems to 45, one conquest and extracting a bunch more things with Kunai’s cube to be able to complete Destroyer. My goal is to ultimately go for finishing all of these this season and be able to claim the really spiffy wings. This is something that Grace has already managed to finish, but I have a feeling she is going to be willing to help me out with the things I end up getting stuck on. Ultimately the conquest that I am planning on going for is going to involve running a ton of bounties and stockpiling the caches so that I can open them all at the same time and consume a ton of gold all at once. Once I knock out mastering a set dungeon this might be my next farm for the short term because I need a ton of materials to be able to extract stuff with the cube, so I might as well farm for the chests at the same time. I have no clue how Grace is finished so fast other than the fact that she has poured a significant chunk of hours into the game over the Memorial Day weekend. I am just happy at this point that I have a functional build that seems to be going smoothly. Invoker is probably my favorite set in the game and I really like the play style of killing things with thorns. I am however going to have to swap out a bunch of abilities to master the set dungeon as I am not playing with a good number of the abilities that are required. I might end up looking up a guide again to see what is the suggested combination. I know I need to disable my Paladin follower because he will ultimately screw things up. When I do the run on the gold achievement I need to remember to disable my pet, because it will also ultimately screw things up. All of that said… I want to make my push to finish up this season so I can devote some time to running up a character on the Switch as well.

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