Grinds Are Not a Spectator Sport

I feel like I thoroughly squandered my evening in a delightful manner, as I have done for most of the recent nights. The problem with grinds is that they don’t exactly make for exciting reading material. I closed out the night just a little ways into 57 on the Red Mage. I am still somewhat shocked and amazed that I am enjoying the class as much as I am. However I really have not found a single class design in Final Fantasy XIV that I did not enjoy at least on some level. Probably the ones that I like the least are Ninja and Monk, in part because they also seem the most “fiddly”. Then again I have not touched either of them since Shadowbringers and I probably owe it to myself to do that. Dragoon used to be on the list of fiddly classes, but the recent changes have greatly improved the flow of combat for that class. Maybe Monk and Ninja got similar tweaks… but I have a feeling that I will still have to memorize a bunch of attack patterns on the Ninja to keep from getting a bunny on my head. Possibly the least fun to play in Deep Dungeon content is the Summoner which generally speaking throws up dots on something and then gets to do nothing with them because it dies instantly to some melee dps. I am in this weird mode where I just sorta want to level all of the things. I am greatly enjoying the flow of Deep Dungeon, and by that I mean both Palace of the Dead which will take you from 1 to 60 with relative ease and Heaven on High which picks up at 61 and drops you off neatly at 70. The only thing I can really relate it to is Diablo, because it occupies a very similar space in my brain as that of doing Nephalem Rifts or Bounties. I pop in and focus on something largely mindless while being treated to the always amazing soundtrack of the game. It is the perfect level of mindless engagement that I need to clear away a day worth crap from my brain.
All of that said… I am also keeping my eye on the horizon. I know that around August 27th the gates open on World of Warcraft Classic. I’ve more or less stopped playing the beta in preparation of the eventual grind to come. There is no sense in leveling characters that will ultimately just go away when that leveling process is anything but trivial. Right now the target is to level up an Undead Warrior, in part because I know my friend Grace will be leveling something Undead and that makes life a little easier on the connecting and running content together side. Quite frankly due to the wild success of Shadowbringers I have no clue how many other people we will have with us along for the ride. Had Shadowbringers bombed or largely been a forgettable experience, I figure everyone would have jumped on the Classic boat just for something to do. On a similar note I am not entirely certain how much time I will be devoting to the experience myself. I figure I am going to need a little something less hardcore to keep swapping over to in order to sorta dull the pain of the grind. I guess at this point… I am curious. How many of my readers plan on going down the dark path that leads to World of Warcraft Classic? I’ve already decided for the purpose of tracking, I am going to treat WoW Classic as a separate game from World of Warcraft given that it will be a vastly different experience. Right now for example I am not touching WoW Live at all and have not been for honestly longer than I realized. The last time I played WoW Live with any regularity was in November some seven months ago. Hell that alone probably is one of the longer lapses in gameplay I have experienced since Cataclysm.
Once again I am posting the most up to date version of the list. There have been a few people who have signed up since yesterday and our totals are up to 41. Here is a quick summary of the Blaugust 2019 Links as well.

A Drought of Silverware

One of the things that I have learned about myself is the more responsibility that I gain in the workplace, the less I want any at all in the gaming space. Yesterday morning I was completely gung-ho about getting in and doing some Eden on reset day. I even went so far as to make plans with some friends to try and make this thing happen. However by the time I got off work, I was in a completely different mindset and just could not handle any sort of serious activity. There are days like yesterday when I leave the work environment completely emotionally and physically drained. A few years back we took the DISC assessment, and I remember being warned by the person going over the results with me that I was operating in the work environment well beyond the bounds of my comfort level. If I remember correctly there was 30 point swing in several of the indicators between my natural and adjusted or “work” states. I feel like I sorta operate in this weird place as a sociable introvert. I can pretend to be extroverted really well, but it has a pretty significant cost and last night more or less was an example of this. I logged into Final Fantasy XIV but I didn’t really pay attention to chat at all and just spent my time quietly grinding away at Palace of the Dead. I think this is why I have enjoyed the Deep Dungeon systems so much is that it feels like I am doing group activity, but really I am largely just soloing with very limited consequences. My hope is that as the week goes on I will get the “oomph” required to be a responsible adult and do my tankly duties. I really do want to get some more gear and collect another one of the doodads that will eventually turn into a shiny new axe. What I ultimately did however was head to bed around 9ish do my dailies in Dragalia Lost and play some Final Fantasy V for awhile on the tablet. I’ve played the game for Four Job Fiesta a few times, but never actually played it legitimately the way I would want to play it.
As far as Blaugust news goes, we are continuing to have a handful of sign-ups trickling in. However we are starting to get down to the wire. Next week is the official beginning of the event and I feel like there are a bunch of people that have yet to actually go through the process of signing up. The discord is active once again, but I have not had that much time to check it during the day. Unfortunately when I get home at night I tend to enter a space where I seemingly go blind to social media. I am however catching up on what is happening as often as I can. As far as participants go, Chestnut is working on another twitter list pulled from the spreadsheet. Basically the information is copied and pasted from the sign up form verbatim, so if there are errors with the way you are showing up in the list that likely means I need to correct how your site was signed up initially. I’ve been trying to triage issues as they arise, but I generally don’t go back and update the previous lists. With that note… here is the most current list of participants to date. Once again repeating the common links that folks catching up now might find useful. This weekend I plan on starting some brainstorming about topics that I would find helpful were I just getting started out in this madness. If you have at all considered doing this thing, then please by all means sign up and be counted! Once again I will throw out the disclaimer that the email address being collected from signing up on the form is going no further than that initial spreadsheet. It is only there if for some reason I need to contact you regarding Blaugust. In the past we have had sponsors pop up and give prizes and largely I have used email addresses to contact folks directly for these purposes only.

Sleepy Ramble

Last night was one of those nights where I did not get much of anything accomplished. Starting around 8 pm I was ready to sleep… even though we managed to hold out until around 9 before actually doing that. Once I hit the pillow I was completely zonked for the night and didn’t wake up until the wee hours in the morning when my brains auto timer seemed to think I had slept enough. I was able to shrug this off however and go right back to sleep… and given the slightest opportunity as I sit here at the keyboard I feel like I could still successfully doze off again. I feel like I might be starting to fight whatever crud has been going around through the office. Initially I think we all thought it was just allergies… because even folks who do not traditionally have problems elsewhere end up developing allergies here in Oklahoma. The oppressive heat has not helped either with recent days nearing 100 but with a heat index well 15 to 20 degrees higher than the actual temperature. We are finally starting to get a break from this over the last few days, but it is somewhat sad when you consider 85 degrees to be “cool”. Last night I put some more levels on the Red Mage and even though I am absolutely convinced I am probably playing the class wrong… I am enjoying myself. It is funny how adding a sword to a finger wiggler instantly makes it more enjoyable for me? I remember back in the day one of my favorite party comps in the original Final Fantasy was Red Mage, Monk, Thief and Warrior. I mean it is not a suggested comp by any means but when I was grinding it allowed me to use as little magic as humanly possible. Magic made me go back to town to rest, and my goal was to stay out as long as humanly possible. I am wondering if this first Final Fantasy game ultimately set my feelings about Magic users from that point out in future outings. My preference from that point forward has always seemingly been to include as few magic users as humanly possible in my parties. The classic comp would insist on a Black Mage and a White Mage, but I often times took a Red Mage just so I could use proper weapons. In Final Fantasy V I am super partial to the Mystic Knight because it is effectively a Warrior with elemental buffs. Side note… I kinda hope that eventually makes its way into Final Fantasy XIV as an eventual job. As far as dreams went, I did have a super lucid dream where I apparently was visiting the Blizzard games campus in Anaheim and wound up taking some sort of an assessment. I have no clue why I was taking an assessment, because I thought I was visiting as a blogger. I don’t remember a lot of the questions on the assessment, but for whatever reasons various Devs were talking with me while I was sitting there filling it out. I quickly became aware that all they wanted to talk about were the more modern games like Overwatch, and really the only thing I was interested in talking about was Diablo or World of Warcraft. There was a time when I felt like I more holistically cared about the output of Blizzard Entertainment, and now they really are just the Diablo and WoW company for me personally. I am passingly interested in a lot of the other things that they create, but they aren’t exactly how I want to spend my time. I feel like I got the whole online multiplayer shooter thing more or less out of my system during the 90s, and once MMORPGs existed I was more or less gone. While I dabbled with MOBAs it was also not really my jam. I feel like during the 90s there are a whole bunch of games that I played more or less because online play was somewhat of a novelty. We were still enthralled by the fact that the internet existed, and if I could play a game with other people over this new fangled invention I was going to try it. Even then… I was way more into making maps and sharing “PUDs” with my friends than I was ever into actually playing Warcraft II. However I do remember some really happy times surrounding that game. In college, towards the end of my stay there… the campus opened a state of the art 24/7 computer lab. There were many a night when several of us would go there to hang out on IRC, because there was something special about being both in the same room with someone and being online in a shared environment at the same time. Many times however we would wind up installing Warcraft II on eight computers and engaging in a massive 8 way battle. Why? Well because we could of course and because it was new and exciting. Now online play is more or less expected… and as a result a lot of my hook for playing some of those other games went away. Anyways… today’s post has ended up being a massive ramble. I blame either getting too much sleep or not enough sleep. Here is hoping that I return tomorrow with something resembling a normal and proper post.

Passport to the Crags

This past weekend was a weird mix of extremely busy periods and extremely languid gaming stretches. On Friday itself we went through a whirlwind of activity where we got a ceiling fan installed in the bedroom, went and got copies of our birth certificates, found a place to do passport photos on zero notice and managed to talk an appointment only passport application location to see us as a walk in because they were thankfully not busy. However the whirlwind of activity meant that I will not have to take a day off work in the future to try and wrap things up. I personally found the whole process of applying for a passport to be exceptionally stressful given that neither of us have had one before.
Saturday I managed to get in on a run clearing Eden with nearly a full free company group, and I joined while downstairs which means I was not on voice chat. That is probably not something I will repeat again because I more or less felt lost the entire time. However I managed through it enough to finish… with Meca-Titan and Hydra-Leviathan being the hardest fights to adjust to. I do think it is sorta badass that we are seemingly on a path to repeat much nastier versions of all of the Primals we fought before. I also think I will be trying to get in on a guild group on the night this opens from now on, rather than waiting as late in the week as I did.
My main project for the weekend was getting the Dragoon leveled to 71 so that I could start doing Trust content with it. It is weird the way I think of the various jobs as though they are different characters, even though technically it is all the same Lala Bel each time. Through all of the running of content I managed to collect enough poetics to deck the Dragoon out in most of a full set of Scaevan gear, and the pieces that I didn’t pick up on the right side of the gear screen were augmented by items picked up in the first Trust dungeon.
Another side note is that I managed to pick up another full set of barding, this time the Expanse barding originally from Bismarck. I actually managed to pick up two full sets of it, and the second of which I gave to Ashgar who happened to be standing there at Heaven on High as well. I mean I could sell stuff on the market place but would ultimately rather find most of it a home amongst my friends. Some of the things that are dropping in the dungeon have to have wreaked havoc on the prices as all of the Thavnarian gear seems to drop there as well. It is a nice bonus incentive for leveling in this fashion however to pick up previously hard to get items.
I should have in theory taken the Dragoon as a win for the weekend… but instead I started pushing up the Red Mage in Palace of the Dead. It is weird going from Heaven on High bad to PotD, because it is very clear that they learned several lessons between the two designs. PotD seems actually a much harder dungeon experience than HoH, and I actually managed to wipe out completely on the third floor of a run last night. In part this is due to a bunch of tanks starting to try pulling everything to the portal and waiting for folks to burn it all down… which sorta works at times in HoH but does not work at all in PotD. It is still a much better leveling experience for dps than pretty much anything else available in the game. Largely I like the fact that I do not need to give a shit about gear in the least, and I get to run dungeons while listening to random tracks from the amazing FFXIV musical back catalog.
It was a good if not busy weekend, but we got a lot accomplished in the real world as well as me ticking a bunch of boxes in the virtual world. On the Blaugust front people continue to trickle in and we are up to I believe as to the time of writing this 34 entrants. There was apparently a problem with some of the links on the previous list. They came directly from the sign-up sheet and a handful were missing the scheme part of URI… aka the https:// bit. This should be updated and the new list of folks looks a little something like this. Once again a reminder that you still have plenty of time to sign up and participate in this years running of Blaugust. Here again is the summary of links with pertinent information related to that.