Pouty Wizard

Friday was the start of another Diablo 3 Season, and as is usually the case Grace and I met up and leveled together until I decided it was time for bed. This season we also grabbed our friend Byx to join along in the fun, which made for a really enjoyable grind. Since I had never gotten a Wizard or a Witch Doctor to level 70, I opted to play a Wizard this time around and to be honest… it is messing with my head. Finger Wigglers are not exactly the sort of classes I excel at, and I am having trouble adjusting to just how squishy I am and now much I am riding the razors edge between destroying everything with impunity and my down death.
The set this time is Tal Rasha which has a bunch of different viable builds. Essentially the idea behind it is to stack up a massive buff for casting an ability of each element. This sort of idea plays nicely into items like the Convention of Elements that give you alternating buffs, but there really is no way to actually time hitting the right ability while the right buff is up… or at least that is not something in my scope of functionality. Instead I teleport wildly while spamming every ability trying desperately to keep my buff at 4 stacks while destroying everything with a cavalcade of Meteors raining down from above.
This season we cheated and cheated hard in the form of Saturday morning getting one hell of a boost from a friend of ours named Kolrath. He seemingly ground all night long and by 9 am Saturday morning was a whirling avatar of death that managed to push me from 40 to 70 and Grace from 55 to 70 in a matter of two runs. After that I have spent a bunch of the weekend farming bounties in an attempt to get all of the items needed for my particular build. At this point I think I have them and now begins the slow process of grinding out the post seasons journey steps. The bane of my existence is the set dungeon and I will have to buckle down and master that as it is ultimately going to hold me back from completing two of the steps.
I really do not like being on a timer and having to be mindful of that while doing a bunch of other shit… is pretty much the exact opposite of the kind of gameplay that I want from a game. As a result it is the set dungeon that always hamstrings my progress. I can do them, I just need to sort of force myself to do them. If anyone is online and doing literally anything else… I will join in that and ignore my maintenance duties. Similarly I tend to push off the solo Greater Rifts as well, but at least in this case I have done through a solo 40 and need to knock out a solo 50 soonish. I am missing most of the gems that i need to finish this set so I am going to be doing a lot of grinding of Greater Rifts.

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