Season 21 Complete

Saturday afternoon I finished up Season 21 in Diablo 3 and I have to say… I am a bit listless now when it comes to what I should be doing with my time. I have plenty of other options, and I have been more or less falling back on playing Destiny 2, but it feels a little weird. During the course of a season I pour so much of my time and thought process into it that when it is over it feels a little strange. Games can be that way, and often times I find myself stalling finishing one just because I don’t want the experience to be over. There are a slew of games that I am one to two hours away from beating… and then just stopped playing rather than pushing across the finish line for one reason or another.
With Season 21 I had gotten into this familiar and comfortable pattern of farming bounties to get caches. I’ve written about this at length in other posts but the “easy” way to get the Avarice conquest is to save up enough caches and then open them all at once so that when you move you gather up over the 50 million gold needed. For me this represented 36 bounty caches that I managed to farm up, when I in theory only needed 31. However the amount of time that goes into the farming… always makes me want to over farm just to make sure I don’t screw things up somehow.
The most stressful moment is when I have to reach back into the bank to grab more caches knowing that if I move now it will be over and all of my farming will be for nothing. This is quickly followed by the frustration of having to clear out the mass if items that drop as a result. It takes so many trips do and from the pile of loot in order to clean everything up. This time around I spend most of the time cubing legendaries to finish out the last 20 or so that I needed for that final step in the seasonal journey. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything of note and am still at a single Primal Ancient for the season.
Why did I go through all of this effort? Well for the pet of course. This time it was some sort of a skink in a tube on top of a robotic crab body. The last time I did this seriously was for a Goblin that looked like Tyrael. Why do we do anything in games? For me at least it is more than likely for either a gear upgrade or cosmetic reasons. I could in theory do a bunch more things this season, but in reality once the final goal has been accomplished it feels like it is time to put this character to bed for a few months. I do at some point really need to clean up all of my alts in Diablo 3. There isn’t much of a reason to keep anything more than one of every class, so that might be another side project over the coming weeks.
There is of course my Switch character that I will continue working on. As of last night I hit level 66 and have started trying to pre-emptively knock out as much of the seasonal journey stuff as I can so that when I ding 70 I should have some packages of loot waiting on me. Since I did not do Crusader for the PC season, I decided that Thorns would be a highly playable build for console. So over the next few days I should be dinging 70 and will begin knocking out those seasonal journey accomplishments there. The only real challenge is that I don’t have much in the way of a peer group to knock out things like curses. I know Carth managed to solo it with a well leveled Boon of the Hoarder gem, so I might go after that route. The post Season 21 Complete appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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