Season 23 Done

Morning Friends! Yesterday involved a significant number of rounds of bounties because that is ultimately what I needed in order to get Avarice done the predictable way. I took a screenshot of this fully cleared map because it was a bit of a rarity. I talked about this a bit but I am having an issue where I am crashing to desktop rather often while playing Diablo 3 this season. Other friends are reporting the same behavior so I am guessing it has something to do with the sweeping changes that were patched in surrounding followers. This however should be a public service announcement to go ahead and close your bounties and collect the caches because it was very rare that I actually made it through all five zones before getting a crash to desktop.
One of the things with Avarice is that I tend to overfarm significantly because I do not trust my own mathematics. Essentially I have developed this habit of running one full round past when I think I have hit my goal. Effectively I had 40 caches divided between 10 T13 caches and 30 T16 caches. This is way more than I actually needed because if you do the math you end up with something like this:
10 Torment 13 Bounty Caches at 1,190,000 gold each = 11,900,000 gold 30 Torment 16 Bounty Caches at 1,640,000 gold each = 49,200,000 gold Combined gives me a grand total of 61,100,000 gold

In theory I could have stopped at 25 Torment 16 caches and 10 Torment 13 caches because that would have given me roughly 52 million gold but that was cutting it a little close for my tastes so I went ahead and farmed just one more round. The scary thing is… while I was loading up my inventory with caches to go for the final opening… I crashed to desktop. I did not take a picture of the loot everywhere because I was afraid to do ANYTHING until I had locked down all of that random loot.
Once I got Avarice done, all that was really left was to cube a bunch of legendaries to finish out the achievement for collecting 40 legendary abilities. Ultimately this is always the last thing that I knock out because I will end up with such an overwhelming amount of resources from the bounty caches that it just simply becomes a matter of finding enough items in my vault that I have not already cubed. Thankfully I have a bad habit of just dumping random legendaries in my vault rather than dealing with them as I go so I end up with plenty of fodder for the cube.
At this point you might be asking yourself… why do you do this every season? The answer is simple. It is for the pet. This time around it was an adorable angry kitty person that I could not pass up. For the last several seasons there has been a chase pet that you can only get by finishing the entire season and I love them. Will it matter once Diablo 4 releases and everyone migrates over to that game? Probably not but for now I am enjoying my wide array of gold collecting pet options. Now that the season is effectively over for me I am going to return to Elder Scrolls Online as my daily driver apart from popping back into Diablo 3 to help others with their seasonal journey. I had a lot of fun, because it is this super condensed leveling and grinding process. Then again I always enjoy the seasonal ride. The post Season 23 Done appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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