Barrel Bomb Bonanza

Good Morning Folks! This morning I am coming back from five days off and it is going to be weird as hell to actually “punch the clock” again. Five days was plenty of time for me to get my sleep schedule completely mixed up. My “bladder alarm clock” wakes me up around 5, but actually getting up at that time is a whole other story. What I would have talked about yesterday had I posted though is the end of my Diablo III Seasonal Journey. The pied piper song I sing… managed to ensnare a handful of other people into this madness including Thalen and Grace, and Sunday we had a blast running around together and doing “Diabble” nonsense.
The funniest part of the journey however has to have been Saturday night while we were recording the podcast… I was trying to carry Grace to 70 and knock out a good chunk of the seasonal boss kills. The problem with this is the fact that Akkhan Invoker Bombardment is a weird build and is highly unpredictable. Essentially my gameplay pattern was to run around with horsey until I found a champ/elite pack and wait for the bombardment to clear everything before moving to the next pack. At low-level rifts, the Thorn’s damage from the partial Invoker set was enough to have some “on demand” killing power, but there really is no way to really quickly clear stragglers which meant I left a minefield of death for anyone getting drug along. Granted Grace knew what they were getting themselves in for, but it was still hilarious the number of times we both died. See the other side effect of this specific build is the fact that it is fairly squishy. Every four seconds I rained death down from above, but the other three seconds… I was mostly just trying to stay alive which meant I spent an exceptional amount of time in horse form trying not to stand still. Granted I managed to clear a solo GR90 with this build and probably could have easily cleared higher, but it is maybe the worst pulling experience I have ever had, and eventually rotated out to a more standard Invoker build.
The other part of the season that was interesting was the inclusion of Petrified Screams which open a special kind of Rift called an Echoing Nightmare. This effectively is a horde mode wave clear sort of encounter and the number of waves you successfully clear gives you a gem with a matching level. In practice, these are a way of cheating your way through attunements, but you would also need a great source of raw gems in order to fuel them. What I did not expect however is for these to count towards seasonal achievements. By this point, I had already finished leveling my gems to 75 but when we ran down all of the Petrified Screams that each of us had gathered up on Sunday… it instantly completed a large number of seasonal achievements including a few conquests for Grace and Thalen. We also tried for a speed demon run and nailed it on the first attempt, and as such… while Grace only started Saturday night, they managed to wrap up their seasonal journey Sunday afternoon as well.
I had a blast working my way through this season, and while I will likely never use the ugly Lollipop pet, there is a sense of accomplishment in checking all of the boxes. In theory, there should be a new season starting before too much longer given that this current one started in April. Diablo III really is getting more creative in the sorts of things they are attempting during seasonal play, which reminds me quite a bit of the broad changes that take place during a Path of Exile league. The only thing that I wish is that all of the things they add in for seasons… stuck around during non-seasonal play essentially slowly adding more content to the game. The Echoing Nightmares are a really fun game mode, and I could see people doing these if the petrified screams continued to drop. I briefly contemplated starting a Hardcore seasonal character, because I have never done such a thing… but that is a doubtful proposition.
In other Diablo news, I continue to poke and prod at Diablo Immortal. The truth is it is actually a really good game if you can somehow look past the monetization scheme. I’ve spent zero dollars and I absolutely feel like I am at a lower power level than a good number of people in my level bracket. However, it doesn’t seem to be really impacting what I could be doing right now. Sure if I had some of them fancy legendary gems, I could probably be farming Hell II difficulty right now instead of Hell I, but then again I still need gear from Hell I. This has very much turned into a before bedtime game for me as I fairly casually complete content and do bounties on my phone and using the Gamesir X2 controller. All in all, this runs pretty well on my phone, or well enough to be doing any of the content I have encountered thus far.
I have to say though there is this weird uncanny valley going on where I know I am playing a Diablo game, on some level I would think I was playing a traditional MMORPG like World of Warcraft. The whole aspect of always encountering other players everywhere I go, and the fact that I am effectively running dungeons the same way that folks run dungeons in WoW, triggers that experience. Yesterday there was bonus loot for Forgotten Tower, and essentially we would pull everything up to the next barrier and burn it down there just like you would run a dungeon in WoW or FFXIV. Given however that every class is effectively self-sustaining… it also gives me deep Guild Wars 2 vibes when it comes to doing large group content. When a zone event is happening there ends up being a huge swarm of players… and there are even mechanics that you have to pay attention to in order to succeed.
We also saw the end of the first Cycle of Strife, which crowned the Dark Clan Eden as the new Immortals and the massive whale Megashield as the new server Immortal. If you are curious you can watch the video of the final battle where Megashield won on our server. He reportedly spent 100k on that character, which seems like complete madness to me. That is honestly one of the most disturbing elements of this game is how expensive it is. When Techtone talked about spending 20,000 in a few months of Genshin Impact I thought that was complete madness, but this takes it to a whole new level. Streamer Quin (aka the same dude who boosted in FFXIV then got mad that he struggled to play the game) was doing 10 crest runs attempting to get a 5-star gem. It reportedly cost him $15,870.66 before getting one or roughly 635 10 Legendary Crest greater rift runs.
Admittedly this is a bit of a false narrative, but it makes for good headlines. Just like boosting in FFXIV and then complaining about not understanding anything… doing nothing but 10 crest runs over and over is a bit of a “wrong way to play the game” scenario. He specifically was chasing a natural drop of a 5-star gem with all 5 stars populated. However, in those 635 runs, it is extremely likely that he managed to get multiple copies of Echoing Shade, and probably enough to have made a 5/5 star version of that a long time ago. I think at least on some level… a lot of the spending associated with this game is players trying to brute force their way to ultimate victory. Paying no money… I am still getting an awful lot of enjoyment out of the game on its own merits without feeling the need to chase these Legendary Gems. Please note… I do not exclude any of the monetizations that are going on. This is absolutely a game that was designed to prey on the worst instincts of gamblers. While watching the Immortal Battle from a few different perspectives, I spent some time watching a Twitch stream of a clan made up of almost nothing but massive whales. Listening to those guys goading each other into spending money on voice chat… felt sickening. At the same time, there were multiple references of the same folks doing crypto gambling, which I did not even know was a thing and seems like a really great way to lose a lot of money. In just the fifteen minutes or so that I watched, it was very clear that the folks talking were gambling addicts. There were folks talking about spending at least $250 to $1000 a day on the game… and that just isn’t sustainable by anyone for long. The post Barrel Bomb Bonanza appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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