The Bloodtide Is Great

Hey Folks! I am still more or less mainlining Diablo IV each evening. The game has finally started to slow down a bit as I am now level 56 but it still feels like I am gaining experience much faster than I did previously. While I am not gaining core levels quickly, it does feel like I am chewing through Paragon points pretty fast. The only complaint really that I have with the game is that there is some bug that is impacting my system where the entire game will lock up while playing… I think it has something to do with network play and new players showing up on screen, but I can’t be certain. Whatever the case I’ve taken a few deaths from the screen locking up for 5 to 10 seconds at a time. This did not happen in previous releases so I am hoping this is something that gets fixed over time or can be attributed to server congestion.
I think what I am enjoying the most is that I have a very enjoyable mechanic loop going on where I start by popping over to the Blood Harvest zone completing the three Tree of Whispers quests available there. Generally speaking, there will be a quest to kill two Blood Seekers, and as I am working my way through the other quests I will inevitably anger the Vampires and get Blood Seekers summoned to take me out. Unfortunately, few players seem to be focused on the big zone event, so I can rarely complete that but I have noticed that when someone is attempting it the green horned skull icon indicating the Blood Harvest begins to pulse. I wish there was a less subtle indication that the event is going on, but it is better than nothing.
While I am working on the Blood Harvest area I keep my eyes peeled for any Legion Events that are about to spawn. These take place every thirty minutes and are a great source of both experience and loot, so much so that I will leave the Blood Harvest area to knock these out when they are available. This creates a really good cadence of popping back and forth between the “Bloodtide” area as folks have taken to calling it, and then popping out whenever a Legion Event is going on. The community as a whole seems to realize how valuable these are now because I have yet to do one that did not manage to get the mastery objectives completed… which largely just means you are killing things quickly enough to get the mini-bosses to spawn before the final encounter.
I am also keeping my eyes peeled for the next World Boss spawn, though these are honestly not as good as they once were. The difficulty of the encounter has been increased significantly which means they are no longer the loot pinata that they once were. As a result, there is FAR lower turnout for World Bosses and I’ve had several cases of once it started… and it was not immediately dying… folks bailed to do other things. On one hand, I get that players were frustrated by how easy these encounters were… but on the other hand, they require random players to know the fight in order to complete it. I think they are maybe a bit tuned for randos… and so far I have fought three bosses since coming back and only managed to down one of them. The others I kept fighting the entire 15 minutes but we wound up with like 3 players banging away in futility as folks bailed on us. If they want these to be challenging content they need to make them something you queue for and are locked into the encounter until completion.
One of the few problems that I see with the current state of the game, is that I have zero desire to actually engage with the “true” Blizzard-endorsed endgame. I’ve run a few Nightmare Dungeons, but my keys are piling up way faster than I am using them. Nightmare Dungeons are just not fun, at least not compared to Legion events and the “Bloodtide” area. The problem with this is that I am eventually going to have to run Nightmare Dungeons because they are required to interact with the Paragon sigil system and level them up. In order to gain the power contained in that system, I am going to have to force myself to grind them out and this just feels lousy. It feels as though you were forced to do Set Mastery Dungeons in Diablo III in order to get Paragon points or something like that.
Then there are the Helltides… which are now largely made redundant. The “bloodtide” area does everything that this limited-time event does… but does it better. Helltides are only up every two hours… and then if you take a death in the area you lose half of your helltide currency. The “bloodtide” on the other hand lets you drop in and play at any point and your currency associated with that event is additive over time so that your deaths really do not cost you anything. This all serves to make the Helltide feel weirdly punitive and not rewarding enough to make up for it. Sure you can target farm very specific gear slots… but you end up getting so many Seeker keys and you are generating so many Whispers Caches that I am not even certain that is needed functionality anymore. Add to this the fact that every time I have gone into a Helltide area… I was the only player doing them, which makes me think this is just an outmoded content type.
While I am “picking nits”, Blizz really needs to adjust the vendors to match the sweeping changes they made to Sacred and Ancestral gear drops. In the world, I am only seeing Sacred gear right now, which is amazing… save for Legendary items that often drop at base rarity but can still be recycled into either material or have aspects extracted from them. However when I go to the vendors, which should be viable sources of gear… it is all mostly baseline items. This is especially true for the Obol merchant, making that entire system even less useful than it was. Like Helltide… Obol gambling really needs a rework because at the moment I feel like the best option is just to buy keys when you need to spend down the currency. It is just a system that no longer really works with the way the game is currently played.
One legitimate concern that I still have is that I am uncertain if the game feels good right now because the base sandbox state of the game has been balanced, or that the Vampire Powers are just really strong. Path of Exile is in a phenomenal state right now, but it is more the base level of the game and less that any one league mechanic is better than the others. I feel like everything that I am enjoying right now in Diablo IV can be directly attributed to this specific season. Blood Harvest zones are amazing and Vampire Powers feel exceptionally strong… so much so that I do not want to interact with anything OTHER than the “Bloodtide”. It does concern me a bit that they have set up a borrowed power system that they are going to have to replace with something equally spectacular in Season 3, in order to keep the same elevated power levels and keep the game fun.
Diablo IV is very much a game in transition and still has some systems that are not functioning in quite the way that they should. I feel like the Nightmare Dungeons as a whole need a top-down rethink. They are just not fun, and the players really engaging with that mechanic seem to be doing so in degenerate methods that do not involve actually completing the entire dungeon. The most enjoyable part of the game… is not the part of the game that players will eventually be required to do in order to progress endgame systems. Helltides as a whole need a complete rethink as well, and the World Bosses either need to be watered down again or turned into some sort of serious smaller group content that players queue for. Maybe make the Open World spawns watered down, but drop an item needed to spawn a more difficult and much more rewarding version.
The optional bosses seem pretty cool and I have fought Varshan a few times now. Sadly he has dropped the unique twohander each time that I do not need, nor did it drop at a higher enough item level to use. I am hoping that I can keep the momentum going long enough to naturally reach level 70ish and transition into World Tier IV and be able to see the other optional bosses. Varshan requires you to collect three pieces and then enter a basement area at the Tree of Whispers, and I am assuming the three new bosses that open up in World Tier IV will be something similar. There is a tight synergy between the fun parts of the game which are keeping me going, but I am hoping with time Blizzard can make the largely unfun parts of the game like Nightmare Dungeons more enjoyable. The post The Bloodtide Is Great appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

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