Exile’s Reach

Last night the Genshin Impact servers went down for maintenance, and after my fourth night of failed attempts at the horseman mount I found myself a little listless. I attempted to log into Destiny 2 and flew into the tower and then pretty much logged right back out again. Not sure what to do I opted to test the new player experience that went into World of Warcraft with the Shadowlands pre-patch. Instead of starting in the original starter zone, new characters can choose to instead begin on Exiles Reach. I believe this works for any character that is not an Allied Race, given that those appear to still go through the original racial starter experience.
I have some friends on Wyrmrest Accord, and as such I opted to create a clone of the original Belghast over there. From what I understand the flow of the content is effectively the same on both Horde and Alliance. You start with some cinematics laying out the mission before you of trying to find an expedition that has gone missing. While ship side your team similarly encounters issues and finds themselves shipwrecked on an island… conveniently the same island that the earlier expedition shipwrecked on.
Across the board the experience feels like a much more streamlined and simplified version of something like the Ghostlands or Azuremyst Isle. Everything is very self contained and neatly divided into areas that you will only actually go through once as you traverse the island. Along the way you will meet characters that I am certain you will never see again during your entire time in World of Warcraft. That aspect is a little disappointing, but Blizzard might prove me wrong and integrate Captain Garrick for example into future content. You however go through a sequence of events that see you rescuing most of the original expedition and figuring out the central conflict of the island.
A group of Ogres has apparently set up on this island and is trying to use necromancy to resurrect some dragon. I mean it is a generic set up, but also sorta awesome because we have not really seen much from the ogres since Draenor. This is an expert reuse of a bunch of models that had not seen the light of day since the Warlords expansion. Additionally the necromantic dragon seems to be an asset flip of Nythendra from the Emerald Nightmare raid, but similarly it was a cool model and deserved to be reused. Everything though flows together nicely and ends up being a much quicker starter experience than what I remember from the other zone options.
The culmination of the starter experience is a dungeon… but one where the NPCs serve as the tank and the healer and everyone is just effectively following them around and DPSing. I am not going to lie… I would not mind if they did some more of these dungeons for leveling purposes because it didn’t feel horrible. I almost wonder if this is an attempt at them playing with the concept of being able to run dungeons with NPCs much like they have with the Trust system in FFXIV. So far the experiment seems to have worked however because it was a pretty solid experience. I got zero loot from the dungeon but I did watch as other players got things… so maybe spend some time evening that out a bit. It would feel better if everyone exited the dungeon with a shiny blue.
Upon exiting the island you go through an entire sequence where you are introduced to Stormwind, and welcomed back as a hero of the Alliance. This is nice especially since it leads you through some of the important things like binding at an Inn. It also gives you access to your first mount, setting you up to start the game proper. The quests all appear to take place in the Old Town area, which is fine… but everyone knows the Dwarven Quarter is the only good part of Stormwind. I could definitely see this being a good introduction to World of Warcraft for a brand new player.
What felt really odd was that the game immediately went into the Battle for Azeroth content without me really choosing it. I guess as a brand new player this would flow nicely, but I kinda wanted to poke around with the Chromie system. Right now I am rolling with it because it seems like the BFA systems have been modified slightly as well to accommodate a brand new level 10 character. For example I didn’t get to choose which area of Kul Tiras that I wanted to start in, but instead was only given the option of Tirangarde Sound. I never really got into the BFA content for Alliance and maybe playing on a fresh character on a server I have no presence on… would make it feel more meaningful?
I like the experience that is presented here, but I also sorta think it is wasted if Blizzard does not make some fundamental changes to the way that World of Warcraft works. This is an experience ideally designed for someone who has never played this game. I just feel like at this point that if you have owned a PC capable of gaming, that more than likely you have already had access to World of Warcraft. With the introduction of controllers to the game on an official level, it is time for Blizzard to roll this game out to the console players and maybe to mobile players as well. In both cases I think it would work best if they shifted from the subscription only to offering some sort of free to play track as well. However for the purpose of this post… the experience of Exiles Reach is good. I would probably run new characters through it… were it not for the fact that I already have a stratified army of one of each Alliance and Horde class that are at a minimum of level 40 in the new squished system. I’m already at the point where I have way more racial options than I have classes to play them with, and I think maybe it was a bad idea to not allow the Allied Races to go through the Exiles Reach starter experience. Have you played through the new starter zone? Drop me your thoughts down below in the comments. The post Exile’s Reach appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Klee Banner Luck

Yesterday we got the first new set of banners in Genshin Impact and the introduction of the new character Klee. Some of you may be far enough in the story and leveling process to have been able to embark upon a side mission involving this character. She is adorable and she likes to blow things up and calls herself a “Spark Knight”. She also has a really cool ability in that she shows nearby resources unique to Mondstadt region on your minimap. Also on the banner are increased pull rates for Sucrose, Noelle and what has become one of my favorite champions on my alt account Xingqiu.
As was the case with Venti, you can go into the events section and complete a test run with Klee worth 20 free primagems. I highly suggest doing this because she is definitely an acquired taste, and is not super supporty of your other characters. Xiangling for example is amazing because you can swap over, drop Guoba or pop Pyronado and then swap back to your main carry and get the benefit of those attacks. Klee on the other hand is best served when she is on the field and actively engaged with the mobs because of how many bombs she can throw out in such a short amount of time. So like I said before you go chasing her I would highly suggest to make sure you enjoy that play style.
Chasing a 5 Star Champion is the path of madness. What I actually wanted instead was a copy of Xingqiu because while I use him as my carry on the alt account, I noticed he could be built to be a phenomenal support healer. Ultimately I have been lacking for a solid healer for team two, and as a result I have been trying to figure out how to try and name Ningguang or Noelle play that role. When I found out that Xingqiu was one of the rate up 4 stars on the banner, I had hopes that I would eventually pull him through spending random wishes here and there.
I had been stockpiling my primagems knowing that we would get a new banner soon, and with that I added a $50 gem pack to give me some additional pulls and hopefully increase my chances of getting a Xingqiu. Of note I’ve made any purchases related to this game, the $5 90 primagems a day thing and the battlepass through Google Play because I trust that payment vehicle considerably more than I trust the sketchy pay options that the Windows client has by default. I found out that through Google Play I apparently had quite a few “Play Points” I am guessing from subscribing to Google Music for awhile. I was able to convert 150 of these into a $3 off coupon for Genshin Impact blunting the cost a little bit. This ultimately gave me four 10 pulls and then an assortment of single pulls that I had stockpiled from saving up my daily primagems.
My very first pull… I got a Klee and a Noelle… so yeah that is a way to start off an evening. Second pull I ended up nabbing a second copy of Fischl unlocking her really good constellation. The third pull I managed to get what I was after from the start and picked up Xingqiu, and then the fourth and last ten pull was another copy of Sucrose unlocking her first constellation. I legitimately could not have expected better luck out of that sequence of events. I was super pumped about getting Xingqiu who I was chasing as well as a copy of Klee to play with, and was left with a few single wishes that I opted to go against the banner as well hoping maybe just maybe I would get a second copy of Xing.
On the very last single pull of the night… I saw a gold streak across the sky. Of all of the five star champions… the one I have wanted the most is Diluc just like everyone else. However the one that is most useful to my team composition is easily Qiqi. She is both a healer and applies cryo debuffs… meaning that she could in theory if built correctly replace both Kaeya and Barbara in my main team composition. Sometimes you get what you need… and my phenomenal luck sent me a tiny adorable zombie friend. Now I am going through the process of struggling to catch her up so that she can join my main team.
I have a lot of catching up to do, but right now my main team comp is looking a little like this. Razor my adorable wolf boy is still leading the pack. Xingqiu is riding shotgun for his super useful abilities that transfer back to razor allowing me to apply wet and shock the living shit out of things. Xiangling is my girl and she will always hang out in the third slot for providing a flamey bear and pyronado. Leading out the pack is Qiqi my healer and right now my jam is applying the E for both her and Xingqiu at the same time and freezing targets before shocking them.
So far what I am building out for my second team is Beidou as my carry, because she is mighty powerful on her own, but when buffed with my best healer I think she will be significantly more durable. In order to add some effects I am throwing in Klee and Kaeya but I am not entirely certain how well that is going to work for the time being. I need to figure out just how viable Klee is in a support role. Because of the way that Beidou works, in theory I could have her support Klee if I could max her out. I have so much grinding ahead of me to try and get the materials in order to catch my tribe of character up. Remember friends. I had some really good luck. This is a trap, and you are likely not going to have good luck as well. Make sure if you go chasing Klee or any character for that matter… that you do so in a responsible manner. There are way too many YouTubers with $5000, $7000 or $15000 Genshin Impact accounts. You however won’t have a sponsor that is willing to foot that bill. The post Klee Banner Luck appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Horse Latitudes

There is a region roughly 30 degrees north or south of the equator that is characterized by very calm winds and areas of high pressure. Historically this is a region that ships would effectively get “stuck” in for weeks at a time as they drift along listlessly without strong winds. According to legend in order to conserve the rapidly depleting supply of fresh water, some ships would throw the horses overboard. As a result they developed the nickname of the “Horse Latitudes”. There are however multiple competing theories about the origin if you are so inclined, but it is one of those terms from history class that held with me throughout the years.
Right now as I have felt so many times… I am feeling stuck. I feel like I am in this strange valley in between passions and just sort of languishing wildly there. I have the desire to play Genshin Impact, but I have ventured into a realm where I can only play so much at a given time without it feeling largely pointless. I figure at this rate I will probably be AR40 in about two weeks, when I will be even further in the hole on trying to get my characters leveled, ascended, talented and geared… when it doesn’t feel like I have made a significant dent since dinging AR35. As I have talked about before, everything hinges upon Resin and I don’t have the desire to spend the roughly $12 a day in primagems to ensure that I can get the maximum number of refreshes done.
So I find myself logging in every day, completing the daily quests… spending the resin I have available to me and then claiming the various daily login bonus rewards. I am now doing this on two different accounts and still finding myself lacking for something that feels meaningful. I could grind super hard on the second account but I figure that way lies burn out. Everything I am doing on that account already has an extreme “been there and done that” feeling to it, so I am trying to limit my time over there to just knocking out the dailies and stockpiling wish material.
Then there is World of Warcraft and the unknown release date of the Shadowlands expansion. If they came out tomorrow and said, that they were not launching until January, I feel like I could happily move on with my life. However the not knowing when and how it is going to launch feels awful. I’m currently running the Headless Horseman every day in an attempt to get the mount, but I found out yesterday that it only works on characters that are capable of getting the purple loot rewards. That limits me down considerably in the number of daily iterations. I should in theory be working on finishing out my rogue but I am just fundamentally not feeling it.
I created a new character on a new server with the theory of wanting to see the Exiles Reach player experience. However here he sits having never logged it in and started. I am just finding myself having a hard to getting started on anything in World of Warcraft right now, because it all feels lacking in some way. I guess what I want is something with the feel of Genshin Impact but the longevity of a World of Warcraft and the wealth of content to complete. I know someone in the comments is going to suggest Guild Wars 2, and god how I have tried to care about that game over the years. Whatever it is doing is not what I am wanting, even though I do clearly see some of the parallels to Genshin and the way the world is designed in both games.
I could in theory return to Destiny 2 and see if I can slide back into the rhythm of that game. The problem however is that I just feel so woefully behind in the seasonal construct. The fact that there has been so much revolving content that comes and then goes and that fact that we are losing several planets when Beyond Light lands in early November sorta paralyzes me. I have a bunch of Exotic quests that require various things, but I would need a team to do them… and I realize I can make that happen as well but that also in itself feels like a large outlay of energy.
In theory I should follow the lead of my friend Warenwolf and head back over to TQMB, but I am not even sure they would still take me back. I left at the PC launch of Destiny 2 because my long time friend group felt more comfortable if we started our own thing. However most of them bounced and I was never really quite capable of rekindling it once they were gone. My own huge lapses in play time didn’t help either, leaving us with effectively a dead clan. Having a vibrant community would probably help especially if it meant there were various drop in events that I could sign up for. That said I also know how much is going to happen in November as a whole and in theory I have a new console waiting on me as well.
That brings us to the next challenge. I have things that I wouldn’t mind getting back into on the PlayStation, but I am largely in a holding pattern until the launch of the PS5. I am not sure how much further I want to get into various games not knowing with 100% certainty that my save progress is going to carry over cleanly. Anyways I realize this is probably an annoying post to read but sometimes I write for me and my own mental housekeeping. I feel stuck and I need to figure out for myself how to get un-stuck. The post Horse Latitudes appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.

Headless Mount Search

Good morning friends! We did the thing again and it is seemingly to become a weekly occurrence. Two weekends ago we played Among Us on Saturday and yesterday we did Sunday in an attempt to be open to the folks who could not for some reason make Saturday. As a result we had a slightly different group but it was equally amazing. We didn’t go for quite as long as we did previously, and I had to bail in the middle to run my wife to go pick up her car at the tire place… but I think we are starting to get more in the swing of how this game works. More importantly the Impostors seemed to be more randomized than they were last week when it chose Sita over and over and over.
I am also still playing a lot of Genshin Impact, but as I have stated before I am now down to playing for 20-30 minutes a day and then going on to do other things. The account that I created for farming ore and resources… has turned into an account that I am legitimately and properly playing because it has champions that I don’t own yet on my main account. One interesting tidbit of information is that while I knew chests respawned, I did not realize that the super rarity chests respawn. I thought all of those were surely “one and done”, but apparently even the 200,000 gold chest in the Liyue bank can respawn. So each time a weekly reset happens I guess make your way through the world checking out where chests have spawned previously.
Since I have been so severely throttled in Genshin Impact, I have started trying to ease my way back into World of Warcraft. I gave all of my characters a facelift last week, but for my Paladin that I am currently planning on maining for Shadowlands… I opted to do a outfit change as well. For most of Battle for Azeroth my Paladin has been rocking the “Fel Knight” look, and while I still greatly enjoy it… I wanted something different. Over the weekend I created a similar mishmash of gear pieces to create what one of my friends has called the “Void Knight” appearance/ The actual name of my gearset is “The King in Purple” as a play on The King in Yellow.
Most of yesterday was spent going from character to character on both accounts and farming the Headless Horseman encounter. While I have not done this religiously each year, I have been trying for that stupid mount since it was introduced during Burning Crusade. I have Attumen’s mount which is significantly cooler, but fails hard because it cannot fly… whereas the Horseman mount can. During brew fest I pulled 3 rams and 2 kodos… so I am hoping that by running my army through every single day I will have similar luck. Look at this point all I have to live on is hope.
The entire process took quite a long time as rotating through characters also meant that I needed to sort out their talents and hotbars. Especially on the Alliance side it has been since early Legion that any of these characters really saw much play. I am not sure if it is tank durability, healing throughput issues or just the “bullet sponge” aspect of the Horseman this year… but something is not going as planned. I am chocking this up to the squish, but the encounter seems to be significantly more challenging than intended and as a result I am seeing quite a few parties wipe on the fight. This is not the roflstomp that Coren Direbrew was only a few weeks ago, so I suggest you go in this prepared and do whatever you can do to pick up your dps and get through it quickly.
So that was my weekend… some Among Us, some World of Warcraft mount farming and as much Genshin Impact as the game would allow me to play. How was your weekend? What all did you get around to doing? Drop me a line below and let me know. The post Headless Mount Search appeared first on Tales of the Aggronaut.